Ivor W. Hartmann is a Zimbabwean writer, editor, publisher, and visual artist. Awarded The Golden Baobab Prize (2009), finalist for the Yvonne Vera Award (2011), selected for The 20 in Twenty: The Best Short Stories of South Africa’s Democracy (2014), awarded third in the Jalada Prize for Literature (2015), and Nommo Awards nomination (2017). His works have appeared in many publications. He also runs the StoryTime micro-press, publisher of the African Roar and AfroSF series of anthologies.

10 June 2009

The Last Wave featured at Quasar Dragon

The Last Wave featured at QuasarDragon, (which is) Finding great free, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, other cool items, with occasional comments and reviews by your semi-humble webmaster (Dave Tackett).

Thanks Dave!

08 June 2009

Paulo Coelho publishes Chrome Rain extract on his Blog

A short while back Mr. Paulo Coelho started a new section in his blog called Your Story in my Blog. He invited anyone to submit a story as long as it had a max 250 word count. At the time (and still) I was working on a new story called Chrome Rain. The debut scene of one of my main characters struck me as perhaps eligible (in word count and content). So I made a few tweaks and sent it in.

Today, I received a congratulatory email from Paula Braconnot, who works with Mr. Coelho on his blog and "...He really liked your story and therefore we shall be publishing it in his blog today." And so it has come to pass that an extract of Chrome Rain has been published at Mr. Coelho's Blog. (read it here: Your Story in my Blog : Chrome Rain by Ivor W. Hartmann) I am so very honoured that a writer I admire and respect as much as Mr. Coelho, has taken me into his virtual home and let me leave a presence. Thank You Mr. Coelho!

I just previous to this also started releasing a bit of Chrome Rain at my Facebook Fan page, so if you would like to read more, I'll see you there.

This is a website for Zimbabwean Author Ivor W. Hartmann. All posts on this site are Copyright © Ivor W. Hartmann 2007-2011. All rights reserved.